Saturday, September 21, 2013

Hi there,
So a question I get asked a lot is “Who are your style icons?” “Who do you take style inspiration from?” these questions are very valid but are asked so often that they can get tiresome. I like to think I take inspiration form these ladies but I’m always scared I’ll just end up copying them and become a walking paper doll. And the thing is, I find style inspiration everywhere, not just in people. Nature, certain time periods, weird aesthetic files in my brain that usually only make sense to me, as well as my friends have been inspiring me a lot lately. That being said these are my current style icons.
My first icon for the day is Doe Deere of Lime Crime makeup. I had heard of Lime Crime before but only truly discovered the company and Doe last night on an orange juice fueled hunt for the perfect lilac lipstick (which I found and ordered on Lime Crime and will do a review of when it comes.) I love that Doe mixes ridiculously bright colors and patterns but always seems to pull it off perfectly. She also is a huge supporter of just doing you and embracing what you have which is hard for me but I admire her for it. Not to mention her hair. I’m obsessed. I’m actually thinking of dying my hair purple or pink soon. Maybe.

 Tavi Gevinson is my second style icon for today (I say today as these things change quite regularly in my world.) Tavi has been a huge inspiration for me since I was probably about 11. Through her blog I learned about feminism, fashion and started to figure out that it was ok to wear whatever the hell you want. I honestly don’t know what I would be like if i hadn’t started reading her blog. What I love about her style is that it’s entirely her own. I’ve never seen anything like it and i think that’s a part of why she kind of blew the fashion world open, she was (and is) so unique and sure of what she likes and why. She is distinctly modern yet her style is very vintage. It feels quite accessible and real too which is another part that I love about it.

 And last but most certainly not least, Florence Welch. It was incredibly hard to choose just a few photos because I swear to god that woman could wear a trash bag and she would still be the epitome of perfection. I am a huge fan of hers in general but she has been one of my top style icons even before I started liking her and her music. In her early career her style was much more thrift store, crazy, it sort of looks like I got dressed in the dark but I totally pull it off look. She has refined her style a lot and I admire that but I know I will always love the days of clown suits and copious amounts of glitter smeared across her face.

All photos form tumblr or google 

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